You must decide in your heart what to give. Don’t give reluctantly.

“For God loves a person who gives CHEERFULLY.” 2 Cor 9:7

How You Can Sow!

  • We Need Donations

    You can donate to both Fredericksburg and Lake Anna locations during our business hours, Monday - Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.

    We appreciate you not leaving donations when we are not open!

    Items We Can Accept:
    New or Gently Used Clothing, New or Gently Used Furniture, Seasonal Decor, Household Items, Stationary, Jewelry, Sporting Goods, Electronics, Tools, Books, Children's Toys, Unopened Hygiene Products. Anything you feel would be a passed blessing for our families.

    Items We Cannot Accept:
    Large box TV’s. Most large household appliances. Soft upholstered furniture such as couches and sofas. Used mattresses older than 2 years. Large entertainment centers and instruments (Pianos). Anything broken or missing pieces in general CAN’T be passed along.

  • Share Your Time Serving

    We are always looking for serving hearts to join our mission. Volunteers are a must at each location! Please Inquire at either location for information on how to join us!

    Duties include sorting, hanging, pricing and stocking merchandise, cashiering and customer service.

    Must be 15 years old and fill out a volunteer applicaiton. We are very GRATEFUL for all of the people who serve with us weekly.

    We are also looking for Faith Partners. Volunteers who are able to help with Non Profit Growth, Creating more Local Partners, Fundraising Locally, Website maintenace, and Full day Serve Opportunites.

    Interested in volunteering? Please email us!

  • heartandcross

    Want to sow into our ministry in your own special way for local families? Below we have multiple sponsorships listed. You can make a one time gift or sponsor families monthly with us. This truly help us to continue to better our service to the community. We want to always be the hands and feet of Jesus when we can!

Become a Sponsor

How you Can Sponsor a Local need:

Please specify your sponsorship donation in the comment section on the donation check out page.

Pick Up Services

Pick-up services are only available for church events, community events, move-outs for the elderly, or approved special requests. At this time we are limiting pick-up requests to Tuesdays and Saturdays during normal business hours of 10 - 4.

This is subject to volunteer availability and truck availability.  

To request Pick-up services, email